The Billabong Playgroup is a great opportunity for you to spend some fun time with your child/ren. Free play, craft activities, morning tea and singing are our usual activities. You will also meet other parents and carers and your child will have lots of new friends to play with.
The Billabong Playgroup runs one session per week on Wednesdays from 9:15am to 11:15am.
Please contact our committee members or the church office if you'd like any more info.
We hope you and your children have a fantastic time at our playgroup!
Please note that at times there is a waiting list to join the Billabong Playgroup.
Details of other playgroups in the area can be obtained from the Playgroup Association.
Approximate Session Times
9:15am Free Play
9:45am Craft Activities
10:15am Morning Tea
10:50am Pack up toys
10:55am Story & Music time
11:05am Goodbye song
11:15am Finish
These are currently $30 per family per term. In addition, you will need to pay $35 for annual membership to the Playgroup Association of WA (Inc) which covers insurance. $15 for concession holders. (1/2 price from 4th term). Please pay this to your Session Leader as soon as possible.
If you have already paid Playgroup Association fees to another Playgroup this year, you do not have to pay again but we do need to see a receipt or your membership card.
You can use EFT.
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 036-224
Acc: 149554
Everyone helps out where needed with running the Playgroup session. You will be assigned to a small group that will have a rostered responsibility each week. There are rosters for morning tea, preparing an activity for the children, cleaning up and for the music/story time. A display folder is available with suggested activities.
When your child has a birthday you may like to bring something special for the children to help celebrate. We have a supply of birthday candles if needed.
Morning Tea
Please bring some fruit, vegetables, or a healthy snack to be cut up and shared with the other children at morning tea. Coffee and tea are provided by the Playgroup and a roster is in place for adults to help with the preparation and serving of morning tea and to bring something yummy for the adults!!
Other Helpers
We are fortunate to have various mums, dads and grand-mums who no longer have children to bring to Playgroup, but still love to play with kids and cuddle babies and help out. We value them coming and believe they add a special something to our gatherings!
Our Playgroup is a Smoke Free Zone. Thank you for not smoking while you are attending Playgroup.
If your child is not well, please give Playgroup a miss that week. It is unfair to children and adults to be exposed unnecessarily to viral and bacterial infections.
Committee Positions
President: Kerin –
Enrolments: Anneliis -
Playgroup Charter
Our Playgroup Is proud to be a member of the Playgroup Association Of Western Australia (Inc). Our Playgroup will be:
Welcoming and Friendly
Co-operative and Caring
Supportive and Respectful
A Team Effort
A Safe Place
A Time of Fun & Learning
This charter has been developed by the Playgroup Association to promote a positive atmosphere in Playgroup. The Billabong Playgroup also has a constitution, rules and policy documents that are available to read. It is an activity of The Billabong Uniting Church.