2019: Our 20th Year as a Church family

This December we've been sharing some updates about our priorities for 2019. Here's a summary:

Next year we'll be partnering with two excellent organisations to support projects overseas. A portion of every dollar given to The Billabong for its ministry will be passed on to these projects, and you are welcome to give extra at any time.

You can give a tax deductible donation towards one of these projects/partnerships via BSB, Credit card, cash or cheque. Contact our treasurer at accounts@thebillabong.org.au

We can now confirm that the "cafe style" space at the front of our facility will be OPEN 4 mornings a week from February next year! Tea/coffee will be provided free of charge/donation only, with various community activities happening during open times including cooking prep classes, craft and a brand new toy library!

Do you have an activity you would like to run in this space? Contact admin@thebillabong.org.au - we'd love to chat about it!

And do you have a name for this space in mind? We've love to hear it!

Over the last 7 years, The Billabong has experienced times of growth, but also times of decline. Our desire is for The Billabong to be a welcoming community to all who wish to make this church their home. The move to two weekend Celebrations is an exciting (albeit scary) and important step in our growth as more and more people become part of this church family.

If you'd like to volunteer on Sundays in some way, grab one of the sign up cards one Sunday, or head to thebillabong.org.au/serve

Disciples of Jesus are people who live to become more and more like Jesus, loving God, loving one another, and loving the lost, last and least. What do you need in order to become more like Jesus today? We'd love to help!