
1,2,3: Love God, Love one another, Love the lost.

At The Billabong we believe that being a follower of Jesus is about "three great loves" - loving God, loving one another, and loving God's 'lost children'. And we believe that we grow in these three great loves together.

We recently held a series of talks on this at The Billabong, and you can find the recordings here.

Bible.Confess.Pray - Following Jesus Together

Meeting with 1 or 2 others in the following way is a grassroots tool for growth and transformation as a follower of Jesus that is simple yet powerful. It empowers the common Christian to accomplish the uncommon work of reproducing disciples who can in turn reproduce others.

• Meet once a week for an hour

• Group of two or three (the addition of a fourth person is the beginning of the second group – multiplication is imminent)

• Groups are with the same gender

• The following is covered in each meeting:

Bible: Hear & Obey

Each person reads the same chapters (preferably) of scripture that week and then discusses what they have heard from God through the reading and how it can be applied and obeyed in their life. You may like to consider a reading plan (eg. the Bible in One Year app or a chapter a day of a book of the Bible)

Confess: Repent & Believe

The pair/group shares with one another how they may have sinned against God in the past week. Use the accountability questions on the cards (see below) as guidance. It is helpful to be specific and also share your heart motivations behind the sin. For this time to be effective it is important that there is trust and that clear lines of confidentiality have been agreed upon by the members of the pair or group. It is also important to continually reiterate that because of the Gospel, our sins are forgiven!

Pray: Seek & Save

List the people that you are praying would come to Christ. We can look for opportunities to love and share the gospel with them, but only Jesus can save them! Talk about how you have gone this week in relationships and conversations with non-believing friends and share how you plan to weave this person in to your community. Then spend time praying for these people. Prompts for your prayers are on the cards (see below).

You can pick up our 'Bible.Confess.Pray' cards from The Billabong on Sundays or during office hours: